Why is Home Humidification Important During the Winter?
Now that the winter months have arrived and the temperatures outside have become chillier, chances are that you’re using your home heating system to keep you warm every day. Many people rely on forced-air heat, where the air is heated at a centralized point (usually by a furnace or heat pump) and then is delivered via ductwork throughout a home. While this type of heating definitely helps you stay toasty, it can also dry out the air in your home.
During the winter, the air tends to be drier, because cold air is unable to hold moisture as well as warm air. And, once that air is heated up and forced through the duct system in your home, it has very little moisture at all. Unfortunately, air that is overly dry can cause many problems for your home and your family. In this article, we’ll discuss the side effects of overly dry air – and how John Betlem can help solve the problem.
How can I tell if the air in my home is too dry?
If you’re concerned that your home’s air might be overly dry, it’s likely that there are a few signs pointing to it. Below are five symptoms of dry indoor air that you might be noticing this winter.
- It’s Electric! You might be noticing that laundry is clingy, you experience static shock when you walk across the carpet, or your hair is frizzy and fly away. If so, you likely have excessive static electricity in your home. Static electricity occurs more often in drier environments.
- Snap, Crackle, Pop! We’re not talking about breakfast cereal; we’re talking about the sounds your wood floors and fixtures might make during the winter months. Wood tends to dry out when the air lacks the proper moisture levels, and this can lead to warping and cracking.
- Paint Problems. Overly dry air can cause problems for painted walls, moldings, and other fixtures. When the air gets too dry, paint can crack and even start to peel. That means the cost of repainting and extra work for you!
- Sniffles & Sneezes. Are you noticing that your nose feels stuffy, your eyes are itchy, and your throat seems sore all the time? While there could be other things causing this, such as the common cold virus, if you’re consistently sniffling and sneezing during the winter months, the problem might be overly dry air.
- Itchy & Flaky: Do your back, shins, or elbows constantly feel itchy? Do you notice skin flaking, hands cracking, and lips chapping? Then it’s very likely that the air in your home is way too dry for comfort.
I don’t like the hassle of small room humidifiers. Is there anything else I can do?
Small room humidifiers can help keep the air in certain spaces of your home moister, but they can also require a lot of upkeep. Mold, mildew, and even bacteria can build up and you’ll need to clean them regularly in order to make sure the air coming out of them is healthy for you and your family. Fortunately, there may be a better solution – whole-home humidification. At John Betlem, we can install whole-home humidification systems that are designed to deliver humidified air throughout your entire home using your home’s ductwork.
Our home humidifiers can help to add moisture to your home’s air, and that means greater comfort for you and your family. We carefully select the best humidifiers that feature advanced technologies that provide ultimate comfort and performance, from the top brands in the home comfort industry. Simply give us a call at 585.326.4767 and we will be more than happy to help you with any air quality service need you may have.